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Should I take a Pre Workout before running

Should You Take a Pre Workout Before Running

Feeling tired before a run and looking for an extra boost? Pre-workout supplements might be the answer. They can enhance your energy, focus, and endurance. In this article, you'll learn how these supplements can benefit runners like you.

Ready to explore more?

Key Takeaways

  • Increased Energy and Endurance: Pre-workout supplements, often containing 150-300 mg of caffeine, improve energy levels. Ingredients like beta-alanine delay muscle fatigue by reducing lactic acid buildup, allowing runners to go faster and longer.
  • Enhanced Performance and Focus: Components such as nootropics in pre-workouts sharpen mental clarity and focus. These help runners stay motivated during long-distance or high-intensity runs.
  • Improved Blood Flow and Delayed Fatigue: Ingredients like citrulline malate enhance blood flow through vasodilation, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to muscles. This leads to better endurance and reduced post-run soreness.
  • Potential Side Effects: Some pre-workout supplements can cause jitters, digestive issues, or sleep disruptions due to high caffeine content. Adjusting dosages may help mitigate these effects.
  • Timing Is Key: For optimal performance benefits, take your pre-workout supplement 30 to 60 minutes before running. Adjust the dosage based on the run's intensity and duration for the best results without adverse effects.

What Is Pre-Workout?

Pre-workout supplements give runners a boost of energy, focus, and endurance. They come in powder form that you mix with water. Common ingredients include caffeine, beta-alanine, creatine monohydrate, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs).

These elements help get the body ready for exercise by increasing blood flow and delaying fatigue.

These supplements also contain other nutrients like citrulline malate and electrolytes. These help improve athletic performance during high-intensity exercises. Pre-workouts should not replace a balanced diet or proper hydration but can enhance overall workout effectiveness.

Benefits of Pre-Workout for Runners

Pre-workout gives runners a big energy boost, helping them run faster and longer. It also helps keep muscles strong and focused while running.

Increased Energy and Endurance

Caffeine boosts energy levels and keeps you going longer during runs. Pre-workout drinks often contain 150-300 mg of caffeine per serving. For example, C4 Original Pre-Workout Powder includes 150 mg of caffeine in each portion.

This helps runners stay energized and push harder.

Beta-alanine is another key ingredient. It helps delay muscle fatigue by reducing lactic acid buildup in your muscles. This means you can run faster and longer before getting tired.

Many pre-workouts include beta-alanine for this reason.


Feeling energized on a run makes all the difference.


These ingredients work together to keep your body moving efficiently, giving you better endurance.

Enhanced Performance and Focus

Pre-workout supplements help runners stay sharp during their runs. Ingredients like nootropics boost focus and motivation. C4 Original, for example, has creatine nitrate and citrulline malate.

These ingredients increase mental clarity and drive.

Runners who use these supplements report better concentration during long-distance runs or strength workouts. This can make a big difference in performance, especially when running hard or training intensely.

Pre-workouts keep your mind on track while your body does the work.

Delayed Fatigue and Increased Blood Flow

Enhanced performance and focus are vital for runners, but that's not all. Pre-workouts help delay fatigue by improving blood flow. Ingredients like citrulline malate boost nitric oxide levels in the body.

This process, called vasodilation, widens blood vessels.

With better blood flow, muscles get more oxygen and nutrients. This leads to improved endurance during runs. Supplements that increase l-citrulline can also aid in reducing muscle soreness after exercise.

Thus, runners feel less tired and can keep going longer without hitting a wall.

Potential Side Effects of Pre-Workout Supplements

Some pre-workout supplements can cause jitters, digestive problems, or trouble sleeping... read on to learn more!

Jitters and Restlessness

Caffeine in pre-workout supplements can cause jitters and restlessness. About 200 mg of caffeine, taken 30-60 minutes before exercise, is common. This amount boosts energy but may also make you feel shaky or uneasy.


It felt like my heart was racing, said one runner after trying a new pre-workout mix.


High doses of caffeine increase adrenaline and heart rate, leading to these effects. If this happens often, consider adjusting your dosage or trying a different supplement.

Digestive Issues

After feeling jittery or restless, digestive issues can also present a problem. Some pre workouts contain high doses of certain ingredients that might upset the stomach. For example, beta-alanine and creatine monohydrate can cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some people.

This could result in bloating, cramps, or even diarrhea.

These GI distress symptoms happen because your body reacts differently to these supplements. Drinking lots of water may help reduce these effects. Starting with small dosages also gives your stomach time to adjust.

Pay attention to what works best for you before running distances long or short.

Sleep Disruptions

Pre-workout supplements can cause sleep problems. Many contain caffeine, which boosts energy and performance but may lead to insomnia if taken too late in the day. This means you might struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep at night.

Some people feel jittery or restless after using these supplements, making it hard to relax before bed. It's a common side effect noted among users. If you're planning an early morning run, be careful with your timing when taking pre-workouts!

Key Ingredients in Pre-Workout Supplements

Pre-workout supplements contain ingredients that can boost your running performance. These include things to increase your energy, help your muscles, and keep you focused.


Caffeine boosts energy for runners. About 200 mg is the recommended dose 30-60 minutes before exercise. If you prefer coffee, an 8-ounce cup has around 95 mg of caffeine. Compare that with pre-workout supplements like C4 Original, which contains 150 mg per serving.


Caffeine can enhance performance and delay fatigue, says a registered dietitian.


The effect of caffeine kicks in quickly, making it a top choice for many athletes. It helps with focus and reduces the feeling of tiredness during long runs. This makes caffeine a helpful ergogenic aid for both short sprints and long-distance running sessions.


Beta-alanine is a key ingredient in many pre-workout supplements. It helps delay fatigue, letting runners push harder and longer. Products like C4 Original Pre-Workout Powder include beta-alanine for this reason.

Taking beta-alanine can help improve endurance by increasing blood flow to your muscles. This boost can make running feel less tiring, especially during high-intensity runs or long distances.

Give it a try if you're looking to step up your game!

BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids)

BCAAs are key ingredients in pre-workout supplements. They help with muscle recovery and boost endurance. BCAAs include three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

These amino acids help reduce muscle soreness after a long run or intense workout.

Many athletes use BCAA supplements like C4 Original to improve their performance. Taking BCAAs before running can support muscle strength and delay fatigue. This helps runners push through longer distances with more energy.

- Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate boosts muscle strength and energy. Found in C4 Original Pre-Workout Powder, it helps runners push harder and run longer. This supplement supports quick bursts of speed and power.

By increasing phosphocreatine stores in muscles, creatine aids faster recovery during sprints or intense runs. It also enhances performance by delaying fatigue, leading to better endurance and workout results.

Timing Your Pre-Workout for Optimal Performance

Take your pre-workout 30 minutes before running... get the most energy boost!

Best Times to Take Pre-Workout Before Running

For an energy boost before a run, take your pre-workout about 30 to 60 minutes ahead. This gives it time to kick in. Pre-workouts usually start working after 30 minutes.

It's smart to adjust your intake based on how long and intense your run will be. If you're running hard or for a long time, you might need a bit more. But always listen to your body and avoid taking too much if it makes you jittery or restless.

Adjusting Dosage According to Intensity and Duration

For a short run, start with half a dose of pre-workout. If you weigh 150 pounds, take about 67 to 105 mg of caffeine. This gives your body time to adjust and prevents jitters. For intense sessions or longer runs, you might need more energy.

Consult a healthcare professional before increasing the dosage. They can help set safe limits based on your needs and ensure it fits into your sports nutrition plan. The key is balancing intensity and duration so you get enough kick without overdoing it.

This helps maintain performance-enhancing benefits while avoiding side effects like jitteriness or digestive issues.

Choosing the Right Pre-Workout Supplement

Pick the best pre-workout supplement based on your running goals and read more to find out how.

Consider Your Specific Running Needs

Each runner has unique needs. Some need more energy, while others want better focus. Supplements like Sprint from 6am Run can help runners with different goals. Check the ingredients to ensure they match what you need for your runs.

For example, caffeine boosts energy and focus. Beta-alanine helps delay fatigue. Beetroot juice can increase blood flow, which is great for long-distance runners. Always keep in mind how your body responds to these ingredients before making a choice.

Check for Banned Substances

Choosing the right pre-workout supplement also means ensuring it has no banned substances. Always check for third-party certification from trusted organizations like NSF or Informed Sport.

These certifications ensure safety and compliance with sports regulations.

Some pre-workouts might contain ingredients not allowed in competitions. Double-check labels for any hidden banned substance before consuming anything new. This keeps your fitness routine clean and worry-free!

Understanding Label Claims and Ingredients

Understanding label claims and ingredients in pre-workout supplements is crucial. You need to know what you're putting into your body. Common ingredients include caffeine for an energy boost, beta-alanine to reduce muscle fatigue, and B vitamins for overall health.

Some products might also have creatine monohydrate to enhance strength and endurance.

Other important components are nitric oxide precursors, which can improve blood flow during exercise. Watch out for proprietary blends as they often don’t list exact amounts of each ingredient.

Look at the caffeine content if you’re sensitive or plan on working out later in the day since it can disrupt sleep. Artificial sweeteners might be present too; some people prefer natural alternatives like beet juice or green tea extract.


Pre-workout can be a runner's secret weapon. It gives you energy, focus, and endurance. Always think about timing your dose before running. Be mindful of possible side effects like jitters or sleep issues.

Remember to keep a balanced diet and stay hydrated too!


1. What are the benefits of taking preworkouts before running?

Preworkouts can boost energy, reduce central fatigue, and improve performance. They often contain ingredients like l-arginine and beta alanine.

2. Should I consult a healthcare professional before using dietary supplements for running?

Yes, always consult a healthcare professional to ensure safety when adding dietary supplements such as magnesium or calcium to your routine.

3. How do carbohydrates help with running performance?

Carbohydrates provide energy by preventing glycogen depletion during high-intensity training and strength conditioning exercises.

4. Are sports drinks effective for runners?

Sports drinks help maintain blood sugar levels and hydration, especially during long runs or aerobic activities where sweat leads to sodium loss.

5. Can preworkouts aid in muscle recovery after eccentric exercise?

Yes, preworkouts containing branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) and proteins support skeletal muscle recovery post-exercise by reducing lactate production.

6. Is it safe to use stimulants found in some energy drinks before running?

Consult with a healthcare professional first since stimulants can affect metabolism and may not be suitable for everyone’s physical exercise needs.

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