Is it Best to Stack 4-Andro with SARM?

Struggling to get the most out of your 4-Andro prohormone stack? You're not alone. Many athletes face this challenge, but when paired with the right SARMs, 4-Andro's effects can be greatly amplified.

This guide will walk you through the best SARM stacks for 4-Andro and how to use them effectively for different bodybuilding goals. Keep reading for powerful tips on achieving your fitness goals!

Key Takeaways

  • Bulking with 4-Andro

Stacking 4-Andro with SARMs like Ligandrol (LGD-4033) or YK-11 can significantly boost muscle mass and strength by enhancing anabolic activity.
  • Recomping Stacks

Pairing 4-Andro with SARMs such as Ostarine (MK-2866) helps maintain muscle while shedding fat, aiding in a balanced body composition.
  • Cutting Combinations

Stacking 4-Andro with SARMs like Cardarine (GW-501516) and Stenabolic (SR9009) enhances fat loss while preserving lean muscle during cutting phases.
  • Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Using an effective PCT with supplements like Nolvadex and Clomid is crucial to maintain muscle gains and hormone balance post-cycle.

Understanding 4-Andro

4-Andro is a prohormone that converts into testosterone within the body, helping increase muscle mass, strength, and recovery. However, for maximum benefits, many bodybuilders stack it with selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) for added muscle-building and fat-loss effects.

Best Stacks for Bulking with 4-Andro

When bulking, the goal is to maximize muscle gains. Stacking 4-Andro with powerful SARMs helps achieve this faster and more efficiently.

  • 4-Andro + Ligandrol (LGD-4033):

This stack promotes significant increases in muscle mass and strength, enhancing overall workout performance.
  • 4-Andro + YK-11:

Known for its myostatin inhibition, YK-11 combined with 4-Andro pushes muscle growth beyond typical limits, making it one of the strongest bulking stacks available.

Best Stacks for Recomping with 4-Andro

Recomping aims to reduce fat while gaining or maintaining muscle mass. Pairing 4-Andro with SARMs helps you achieve this goal without sacrificing strength.

  • 4-Andro + Ostarine (MK-2866):

Ostarine is ideal for preserving lean muscle while in a caloric deficit. Combined with 4-Andro, it helps maintain strength and muscle fullness during cutting or recomping phases.
  • 4-Andro + RAD-140:

This stack boosts muscle retention and fat loss, offering a powerful solution for body recomposition goals.

Best Stacks for Cutting with 4-Andro

For cutting phases, you want to preserve muscle while dropping body fat. 4-Andro can help maintain muscle mass while the right SARMs accelerate fat loss.

  • 4-Andro + Cardarine (GW-501516) + Stenabolic (SR9009): This combination enhances fat burning while preserving muscle, making it ideal for those aiming for a lean, vascular look. Both Cardarine and Stenabolic improve endurance, allowing for more intense workouts.

Optimizing Your 4-Andro Stack

To get the most out of your 4-Andro and SARM stack, it’s important to follow specific dosage guidelines and proper cycle duration:

  • Dosage Guidelines:

Stick to recommended dosages based on your goals and experience. Start with lower doses to assess tolerance, gradually increasing based on how your body responds.
  • Cycle Duration:

Limit cycles to 4 to 8 weeks, followed by a proper PCT to help restore natural hormone production.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

After a 4-Andro cycle, implementing PCT is critical. It helps restore your body’s natural hormone levels and maintain the gains you achieved during your cycle.

  • Nolvadex + Clomid: These are commonly used in PCT to help normalize testosterone levels and prevent estrogen-related side effects.

  • Natural Testosterone Boosters: Supplements like fenugreek or ashwagandha can also aid in testosterone production and recovery.

Potential Side Effects and How to Mitigate Them

While stacking 4-Andro with SARMs can bring great benefits, it’s important to monitor for potential side effects, such as testosterone suppression or hair loss. Regular bloodwork and a well-planned PCT can help mitigate these risks.


Stacking 4-Andro with SARMs is an effective way to boost muscle growth, burn fat, or achieve body recomposition. Choose the right stack based on your specific goals—whether bulking, recomping, or cutting—and always follow proper dosing and cycle guidelines. Remember, PCT is essential to maintaining your gains and protecting your health after each cycle.

Explore different stacks and find what works best for you!

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